The UI

Griotte's UI is created by means of loosely coupled UI widgets wrapped around a 2 model object. The widgets are implemented with Spec.

4.1. The widgets

The widgets are prefixed with GrUI to distinguished between the two. For example, there are GrUIReview and GrUIComment, which allow to perform the operations on the model objects they wrap through a graphical interface. Thus if one has a GrComment object, one can do something like this to open a comment window allowing to edit the comment's body:

| comment |
" comment is an instance of GrComment. "
GrUIComment new
	withComment: comment;

Similarly, to open a window for a GrReview instance:

| review |
" review is an instance of GrReview. "
GrUIReview new
	withReview: review;

Creating new widgets

With these loose widgets, one can easily recompose the UI. Thus it is desirable that when creating new widgets (e.g. for GrGroups, which are not implemented) a similar pattern is followed.

The widget should support the operations through its UI in one way or another. This can be done with buttons, but also with textfields and the Control + S (Windows/Linux) or Command + S (OSX) shortcuts. The latter has been done for editing the body of a comment.

4.2. Dialogs

Some utility classes for dialogs were created, which ease the creation of new dialogs. These are subclasses of GrUIDialog, which contains a class comment with information to implement a new dialog class.

4.3. The Main Window

The main user interface, GriotteUI, uses AbstractLoginModel as its boilerplate for displaying a username and password textfield for logging in. It is defined in the Widget-Extensions-Balletie package. It is separate from Griotte's repository as it is used by the GitHub tool as well.

The class comment for AbstractLoginModel should provide enough information to use it.